Monday, November 17, 2008

Though i didnt read the article about how giant publishing companies are taking over, i thought it quite interesting from the class discussion. All in all, i disagree with the writer...from what iv gathered. I think its a good thing that these publishing companies are marketing everything they can think of off of books. I mean, whos going to buy all that crap if they have never read the book? Meaning, people will also buy, and therefor most likely, read the book.


Amber said...

I also think it's a good what these publishing companies are doing. Even though they may be doing it just for more profit, in my opinion, it works out for the kids. It really gets the kids familiar with the characters and probably helps them to be interested in the books that follow. In this day and age, there are so many other forms of media for kids such as video games, computers and cable television that we must do anything and everything to capture children's interests in books again.

Anonymous said...

I completely agree with Alex and Amber on this topic. I do not think that it is a bad thing to have all these other goods that pertain to the book. I also think that it is a good idea when a movie is based off of a book. For example, I went and saw the Twilight movie and liked the storyline and I therefore went out and bought the book. I think by having all of these different products based on a book makes it easier to lure a child into reading.