Sunday, November 9, 2008

Class Discussion

Even though this post may be a bit mature, I still think about the class discussion we had in which we choose different sides signifying how we felt about issues that could potentially arise in a classroom. It was very interesting to see how passionate we all seemed to be with issues that may or may not directly affect us. As it seems, our class typically deals with issues of a somewhat lighter nature. However, when we were asked to take a stand on issues that weighed heavy, I though it was great to see us take a stand and try to understand both sides, and even in-between. I personally took the side of keeping the issue of gay, lesbian, relationships, etc. out of the classroom. As both sides spoke their mind, I gained an understanding of why some would be for educating elementary students on this issue. As my own opinion didn’t change, I at the very least gained an understanding, which has allowed me to be more sympathetic. All in all, I thought it was great that we had a discussion such as this one!

1 comment:

Jeannie said...

First of all I would like to apologize. I know that Mr. Waters was mostly addressing me when he said that we needed to discuss issues like this respectfully. These issues are something that I feel really passionate about and actually I think people should get mad about it. I don't like it when people try to calm these sort of discussions down.
I realize that sometimes I come off really rude when I confront people about their views. I understand how they can think that way but I have a problem accepting. But I did like the change in venue. We don't really talk too much about real heavy issues in this class so it was nice to have a really serious discussion for a change.