Wednesday, November 19, 2008


By the way, this is completely irrelevant, and is not intended to be one of my posts, but I just researched "opossums" versus "possums," and they are different animals, but in a sense, as most people see it, they are the same.  Opossums, as I said in class, are what we see as the disgusting rodents.  The term "opossum" is only for the rodents; they are native to North America, and only here.  The other animal, which Mr. Waters showed us today in class when we were discussing Australia, is called the "possum."  The reason why it looks completely different is because it is completely different; the two (obviously) look different, different habitats (obviously, yet again), different preferred living environments, and basically, live a completely different life.  The term "possum" is strictly for Australia.  So, in a sense, I guess they are the same animal, but technically, they are different; each has a different name for its origin.

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