Sunday, November 9, 2008

Biography and Non-Fiction

I think that as a future teacher I would use Biographies to teach certain topics to my students. I think that it is important that they learn about the different scientists, heroes, explorers, etc. It helps students learn about the people from our history and present times that shaped how our world operates. I also think that I would use Biographies of the "bad" people in our history, like Hitler. Children need to learn about the horrible events that have happened in our history and be able to see who did them. This will help them see how far we have come. I also would use Non-Fiction books in my future classroom. They are able to be used in any subject. They help the students effectively learn the subject matter. I believe that Non-Fiction books are more interesting than textbooks. They keep the children engaged. I personally would think that children would prefer Fiction over Non-Fiction, but I guess I am wrong! I guess it may depend on their age.

1 comment:

Susanne said...

Even though I am not studying to become a teacher, if I was, I would certainly incorporate biographies into my lesson plans. Just as Kaitlinn, I agree that children should learn about “different scientists, heroes, explorers, etc.,” both good and bad. By showing both sides of history, I believe this will give children reinforcement and a better understanding of the world in which they live.
After all, people are the ones that have helped create history and are the ones that have helped shaped our current planet. If children never learn how things came to be, don’t you think this would be somewhat of a handicap towards moving forward?