Wednesday, October 29, 2008


In class we discussed whether or not we would use certain types of biographies in the classroom setting.  I think it would be a good idea to introduce controversial biographies into the classroom, however, it would definitely depend on the age of the children and the content of the biography. For example, the biography of Adolf Hitler.  I think early high school years would be the best time to introduce them to his life and the things he did during his life time.  I think biographies are a great way to introduce children to famous people throughout history and not exposing children to those people would not be beneficial for them.


Christina Fritz said...

I agree with Maria's comment on biographies. I also think that if someone is known for something bad they did in life for example, Hitler, people want to stay away from their childhood years and look more at their personal life at the time they were in power. Then for someone that did something good for example, Martin Luther King, Jr., that it is more okay to look at their childhood years so a child reading about them can relate to that person and one day hopefully become like them.

Christine B said...

I agree that the use of controversial biographies in the classroom should be based on age and content. I had also mentioned in small groups that instead of choosing the biography on Adolf Hitler to learn some history, why not choose Anne Frank. I believe Anne Frank is considered a memoir, not a biography, but either way you are still teaching about history and the Holocaust. Now you can now teach at a 6th-8th grade level instead of say, 7th-9th. The choice you make about the book or biography gives the students exposure to this particular part of history at different ages.